Full Guide Official YOLOv7 Pose Estimation | CPU & GPU

You are going to learn how to Setup, Install and Run Official YOLOv7 Pose Estimation in Under 8 Minutes! We are going to Run YOLOv7 on Video, & Webcam using Both CPU and GPU for real-time inference! Want to Learn YOLOv7 and solve real-world problems? 🎯FREE YOLOv7 Nano Course - https://augmentedstartups.info/YOLOv7FreeCourse 🚀 Full YOLOv7 Course - https://augmentedstartups.info/YOLOplus ==================== ☕️ Show your appreciation for this tutorial - Please Buy me a Coffee/Chai so I can create more free tutorials for you 😊 - https://augmentedstartups.info/BuyMeCoffee ===This Video is Sponsored by Altium======= ⭐Download Altium Designer Here - https://bit.ly/DownloadAltium ⭐15 Day FREE Altium Trial - https://bit.ly/FREEAltium ⭐Octopart - https://octopart.com/ ====================================== ✅YOLOv7 surpasses all known object detectors (speed & accuracy) ✅56 FPS V100, 55.9% AP ✅120% faster than YOLOv5 ✅State-of-the-Art ⭐ JOIN our Membership to get access to Source Code: https://bit.ly/Join_AugmentedStartups ===Product Links=== ✔️ Roboflow - https://roboflow.com/as1 ✔️ Webcam - https://amzn.to/35Ou6yQ ✔️ Deep Learning PC - https://amzn.to/3zRdep3 ✔️ OpenCV Python Books -https://amzn.to/3jb5LLB ✔️ Camera Gear - https://amzn.to/3qrLQd2 ✔️ Drone Kit - https://bit.ly/Drone-kit ✔️ Raspberry Pi 4 - https://amzn.to/3fhSI7c ✔️ OpenCV AI Kit - http://bit.ly/GetOAKNow ✔️ Arduino Electronics kit - https://amzn.to/2LgiTQJ ------------------------------------------------------------ Buy me a Coffee/Chai☕️ ►https://augmentedstartups.info/BuyMeCoffee Whatsapp Computer Vision Tribe ►https://augmentedstartups.info/AICVWhatsappTribe Chat to us on Discord ►https://www.AugmentedStartups.info/discord Interact with us on Facebook ►https://www.AugmentedStartups.info/Facebook Check my latest work on LinkedIn ►https://www.AugmentedStartups.info/LinkedIn ------------------------------------------------------------ 0:00 store.augmentedstartups.com 0:30 FREE YOLOv7 Nano Course 1:44 Octopart ft Altium 2:26 Clone the repo 3:05 Create a new Conda Environment 4:44 Navigate to the cloned pose-estimation folder 4:52 Download the Pose Weights and put it in pose-estimation folder 5:33 Run Pose Estimation 5:42 Run Pose Estimation with CPU 6:26 Run Pose Estimation with GPU 8:00 YOLO+ #yolov7 #objectdetection #poseestimation
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Full Guide Official YOLOv7 Pose Estimation | CPU & GPU