HIGHPOINT // Gameplay Preview Livestream (VOD)

Over an hour of LIVE Highpoint Gameplay! This is a replay of our 1st Ever Gameplay Livestream (Streamed on Twitch - October 9th, 2021) We've edited down some of the idle moments and dialog but kept EVERY match in full! This was streamed and then downloaded from Twitch so apologies for the video quality! This is our current (and still early in development) build of Highpoint with special guests Jorby and Liefx from the wonderful #RocketLeague Community as well as our playtest friends Wongtonfui, Rob, and Justin Reverse...And of course the Wildbloom team: Tom and Jonathan! We had TOO much fun and we'll be doing these more in the future! --------------------------------------- Follow our development journey - Join our Community! Twitter: https://twitter.com/PlayHighpoint Discord: http://discord.gg/HGUdSTJG9x Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wildbloom You can also stay up to date by joining our Mailing List at: https://www.PlayHighpoint.com Make sure to Subscribe & never miss a video! --------------------------------------- #IndieGame​​ #GameDev #UnrealEngine #GameDevelopment​​ #UE4​​​ #IndieDev #SmashBros #Robot