I made a Game the way the Scratch Team Intended

Wait Zinnea is actually dropping cold hard facts! In this video I can't use any code that the Scratch Team doesn't. This is going to be torture. #games #devlog #scratchteam #scratch #coding #game #devlogs #howtomakesmoothmovementinscratchtheeasyway #whyyourscratchgamesflopandtheeasysolutions #programming #scratchcat #coolkid #quick #fast #viiperrr #programmer #program #blockcoding #videogame #jump #jumping #jumpinggame #st #thewaymojangintended #stapproved #scratchteamapproved #thewayscratchteamintended #theeasiestwaytomakeaplatformeronscratch #coder #longformcontent #devlogging #program #programs #jumpinggame #jumpinggames
Indie Game Developers
Jackson Academy
I made a Game the way the Scratch Team Intended