Gravity Ace Stream: Saturday stream
This is a replay of the Saturday Twitch stream 00:00:00 Standby 00:01:46 Intro 00:09:15 Warm up coding and animation 00:45:00 Does a team make you faster? 00:51:57 How to unpotato your art 01:09:09 Node groups for tentacles and premature optimization 01:14:45 Preference vs "the one true way" 01:18:15 Captain hat 01:33:43 What project should I do to learn programming? 01:39:34 Sound design 01:46:20 Tutorials vs REAL PROJECTS 01:48:21 Should I use Godot or Unity? 01:50:02 Tutorials vs REAL PROJECTS CONTINUED 02:06:25 Charity donation break for YCP with Mrs. Gravity Ace 02:26:30 Capture mouse pointer design, config, and code 02:48:15 Upgrade to 3.4.1 03:11:24 Refactoring objects into a reusable component 03:25:28 Adding a twitch bot command to get your name in the credits 04:15:50 Console plans 04:27:24 New game over screen states 05:21:28 Even small progress is progress Gravity Ace is out NOW in Early Access on Steam and BUY IT: Watch: Tweet:
Indie Game Developers
John makes GAMES!
Gravity Ace Stream: Saturday stream