Handle Scrolling UI Like a Commercial Game (Animations + AutoScrolling) | Unity Tutorial

Unity Asset Store BLACK FRIDAY Sale - EVERYTHING on this page is 70% off: https://assetstore.unity.com/?flashdeals=true&aid=1100lwgBQ Join our Discord Community! - https://discord.com/invite/aHjTSBz3jH Show your Support & Get Exclusive Benefits on Patreon (Including Access to this project's Source Files + Code) - https://www.patreon.com/sasquatchbgames Wishlist Veil of Maia! - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1948230/Veil_of_Maia/ Wishlist Samurado! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2343270/Samurado/ In this Unity tutorial I'll show you how to setup a scrollView area, and we're going to polish ALL the features so that it feels REALLY good by the time we're done. You'll learn about Unity's handy Selectable interfaces (like ISelectHandler, IPointerEnterHandler, etc) and how to utilize these to create custom UI animations. You'll learn how to handle MULTIPLE control schemes (even mid-UI screen) And we'll implement some autoScrolling, and how to avoid making this functionality fight with the mouse pointer. Link to Download our 2D Asset Pack: https://veilofmaia.com/tutorial-asset-pack/ Unity Selectable Documentation: https://docs.unity3d.com/2017.4/Documentation/ScriptReference/UI.Selectable.html Unity Free Cards on the Asset Store https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/gui/card-shirts-lite-165698?aid=1100lwgBQ Extension Method to find row+column count for grid layoutr https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52353898/get-column-and-row-of-count-from-gridlayoutgroup-programmatically Link to AutoScroll Script https://bitbucket.org/UnityUIExtensions/unity-ui-extensions/src/55a7d21860e4bf7954c247512767e950367c4133/Scripts/Utilities/UIScrollToSelection.cs?at=master Contents of This Video: ------------------------------------------ 00:00 - Introduction 01:16 - Setting up the Scroll View UI 03:50 - Selecting buttons with the mouse 05:48 - Adding custom animations when selecting UI 07:23 - Navigating UI with keyboard or gamepad 09:17 - Tracking our last selected button so our keyboard and gamepad always work 14:29 - Autoscrolling to a button outside the viewport 15:54 - How to fix the autoscrolling with the mouse Who We Are------------------------------------- If you're new to our channel, we're Brandon & Nikki from Sasquatch B Studios. We sold our house to start our game studio, and work full time on building our business and making our game, Veil of Maia. Don't forget to Subscribe for NEW game dev videos every Monday & Thursday! Want to be FIRST in line when the Free Demo is released? Sign up for email updates and first access to the demo @ https://veilofmaia.com/ Follow us on Twitter for regular updates! https://twitter.com/SasquatchBGames ***Purchase Links*** For those that would like to support the channel, please consider using the affiliate links below should you purchase a recommended product. We really appreciate it! Equipment: We've been asked what we use, so here it is: Microphone: Blue Yeti Purchase in Canada: https://amzn.to/3WUXcWO Purchase in USA: https://amzn.to/3Tke468 RGB Lights: Purchase in Canada: https://amzn.to/3tflrkR Purchase in USA: https://amzn.to/3g0Ci7L Keylight: (Note: We use 2 of these for our lighting setup) Purchase in Canada: https://amzn.to/3UINapv Purchase in USA: https://amzn.to/3hq7sWx #unitytutorial #unity2d #unity3d