What UNITY Looks Like in 2022

What did Sakura Rabbit do in Unity3D? She has another insane collection of Unity HDRP creations! Including models, animations, characters, VFX, lighting, shaders, motion capture and everything in Unity that is out of this world! The CEO of the engine, John Riccitiello mentioned Sakura too! #madewithunity - In 2022, what did I do using Unity3D? The CEO of the engine mentioned me ~ ➡️Sakura Rabbit on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sakura_rabbiter ➡️Sakura Rabbit on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@sakurarabbit6708 🎁 Get OVER 165+ Scripts, Projects and premium content on my PATREON HERE: ➡️http://bit.ly/SpeedTutorPatreon ························································································· 🔥 INSANE UNITY SAVINGS: https://bit.ly/UnitySalesHub 🕹️Unity BLACK FRIDAY SALE: https://bit.ly/UnitySalesHub 🕹️SpeedTutor Unity Store: https://bit.ly/STUnityStorePuzzlePacks 🕹️Unity New Release Discount Sale: https://prf.hn/l/BdvEmg3 🕹️Unity WELCOME2022 Offer: https://bit.ly/UnityWelcome2022OFFER 🔥 INSANE HUMBLE SAVINGS: https://bit.ly/HumbleBundleDeals 🕹️Game Art in Blender Tutorial Bundle: https://bit.ly/GameArtBlenderTutorials22 🕹️Low Poly 3D Bundle: https://speedtutor.net/LowPoly3DHumble 🕹️Unity Tech book Bundle: https://bit.ly/ProgrammingMegaBundle 🔥Unity Materials / Files & More: 🕹️CGAxis PBR Deals: https://bit.ly/CGAxisPBRDeals 🕹️Synty Assets: https://bit.ly/SyntyLowPolyAssets 🕹️Filebase Assets: https://filebase.gamedevhq.com/ (Code: SPEEDTUTOR2022 - Sign up for a FREE MONTH) 🔥 UNITY SUBSCRIPTIONS: 🕹️Unity Plus: https://bit.ly/UnityPlusDeals 🕹️Unity Pro: https://bit.ly/UnityProDeals ························································································· 💰BIG DISCOUNTS on my website, for my UNITY ASSETS: ➡️https://www.speed-tutor.com 💬Join the Community Discord: ➡️https://discord.gg/vnhWy6R 💝 Make a donation to the channel: ➡️http://www.paypal.me/speedtutor ························································································· ⬇️ SpeedTutor Puzzle Assets: 🧩Unity Store: https://bit.ly/STUnityStorePuzzlePacks 🧩My Website Discounts: https://www.speed-tutor.com/ ⬇️ SpeedTutor Best Selling Assets: 🧩Adventure Puzzle Kit: https://bit.ly/STAdventurePuzzleKit 🧩 Note & Letter System: https://bit.ly/STNoteLetterSystem 🧩Examine System: https://bit.ly/STExamineSystem 🧩Keypad System: https://bit.ly/STKeypadSystem ⬇️SpeedTutor Model Packs: 🧩Unity Store: https://bit.ly/STUnityStoreModelPacks 🧩My Website Discounts: https://www.speed-tutor.com/ My Assets include: Gas Mask, Flashlight, Generator, Themed Key , Padlock, Phone, Chess Puzzle, Lever, Valve Puzzle, Fuse Box & Safe Systems. Cardboard, Debris, Massive Models and more! ························································································ ⭐ Connect with me: 💬| Discord: https://discord.gg/vnhWy6R 🐦| Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpeedTutor 📱 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Speedtutoruk 🖥 | Website: http://www.speed-tutor.com ······················································································· #SpeedTutor #Unity #SakuraRabbit
Indie Game Developers
What UNITY Looks Like in 2022