Voxel Game development - Creatures and Spells

...for gameplay has been achieved. My voxel engine (written in Rust using the Bevy game engine), has finally a core gameplay loop implemented! Sponsor: Quadratic - The Data Science Spreadsheet Check out the project on Github: https://github.com/quadratichq/quadratic/ View open jobs here: https://careers.quadratic.to Whilst I've previously only programmed voxel engine technologies like hot reloadable rust code, ambient occlusion, block texturing, mesh generation, multithreading etc... I'm now shifting focus to gameplay development. In this devlog, I go into detail how I implement game AI and spells. The AI library I'm using is a Bevy plugin called big-brain. The spell system is completely self made, which I might release in the future once it's stable. My discord group: https://discord.gg/9P8QSYf Want to support me? Monero: 43Ktj1Bd4Nkaj4fdx6nPvBZkJewcPjxPB9nafnepM7SdGtcU6rhpxyLiV9w3k92rE1UqHTr4BNqe2ScsK1eEENvZDC3W1ur Resources (The tech I'm using)! bevy game engine: https://bevyengine.org/ game_stat: https://github.com/TanTanDev/game_stat physics (3D and 2D): https://github.com/dimforge/rapier inspector ui (runtime tweaking): https://github.com/jakobhellermann/bevy-inspector-egui/ hot reloading using dlls/so files: https://docs.rs/dlopen/latest/dlopen/ benchmarking: https://github.com/bheisler/criterion.rs world generation: my own custom implementation is not open source at the moment. other rust libraries, that I recommend: game engine: https://github.com/not-fl3/macroquad Graphics rendering api: https://wgpu.rs/ multithreading: https://github.com/zesterer/lagoon profiling: https://crates.io/crates/profiling, using Optick feature #tantan #gamedev #voxelgame
Indie Game Developers
Voxel Game development - Creatures and Spells