Simulating minions (I made a game in 1 month)
Android: iOS: ---------------------------------------------------- Welcome to a new dev log. This time I made the game in a little over a month. Because of a pretty busy schedule I thought I would simply record all of the development, and tell the development story in one dev log. I'm still aiming for releasing 3 games this year. I think I will do the next dev log in the same style as this one. Especially because I think I can show just the fun parts of the development process this way. I am however considering making a couple of videos about game development which are not dev logs. Just some knowledge that I'd like to share in some tutorials. But I'm still just brainstorming about what kind of videos those will be. Thank you for watching!
Indie Game Developers
Tim Commandeur
Simulating minions (I made a game in 1 month)