Creating Enemies Part II: Cinematography and lighting | Unity Demo team how the Unity Demo team utilized cinematography and lighting to shape the world of Enemies in Part II of this three-part series. Learn how to use contrasting light and values to guide viewers’ focus to specific elements of a scene. Gain insights into setting the mood and composition by manipulating the foreground, midground, and background.
If you’re interested in experimenting with this content, be sure to check out the recently updated Enemies project, now available for download in the Unity Asset Store at the following link:
0:00 Intro
0:56 Framing with light
2:31 Layered lighting
3:19 Creating depth
5:25 Probe volume lighting
6:49 Directing the camera
9:06 The power of Timeline
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Creating Enemies Part II: Cinematography and lighting | Unity Demo team