Unity Photon Tutorial - Team Deathmatch Leaderboard PT 3
https://www.youtube.com/watc...Hey chumps! Picking up our mini series discussing team deathmatch in unity using photon unity networking (pun2). In this video, we will be setting up the leaderboard to be compatible with the TDM game mode!!
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Over the course of the next couple weeks, Welton will be teaching us how to make our very own first person shooter which will include tutorials on motion, weapon systems, and multiplayer networking! If there's something specific you'd like to see, leave a comment down below!!
If you like Unity 3D, Esports, FPS Games, or just like giving support, then you should subscribe to this channel! Welton uploads Unity 3D videos every week and is always working on some cool indie games (all of which get published to Steam). So, join the ride and pick up a thing or two about Unity, Indie Games, and Game Development!
If you're interested in joining our team of testers for our Unity 3D indie game company, just email us at kawaiisungames@gmail.com
If you also make videos about playing video games, making video games (Unity 3D, Game Maker, GoDot, Blender), or just talking about stuff and things and you want to collab with Welton, you can also email us at kawaiisungames@gmail.com
Outro: "morty & rick" by Welton King
#unity3d #teamdeathmatch #tdm #photon #pun2