Astrox Imperium DEVLOG 104 (12/03/22) #Astrox #SpaceGame #Sim
Devlog 104 covers a few new additions and a number of tweaks over this past month. I hope you enjoy it over this holiday season. I have added a new mechanic to the targeting panel. It will allow you to instantly re-target your active modules to any active target on the list. When you mouse over an active target on the targeting panel. 2 small icons will appear. These will give you a bit more control in combat,making it easier to assign modules to a target. Drones got some love this update. Drones now have stances. This will control how the drone behaves. These work in a very similar way to the Merc tactical stances. There are 3 modes, Defensive, Neutral, and Aggressive. The Defensive mode will cause the drone to remain in orbit of your ship, while working their target. The drone must be in range of the target to complete it's duty, otherwise it will just hang out until your ship is close enough for the drone to engage. The Neutral stance functions much as drones used to... with one major difference. They will remain within their range. As they break the range barrier (on their way to the target) they will return towards your ship until they are in range again. They will hold this pattern an not extend their range outside of the drone base range. The Aggressive stance is almost identical to how drones worked before. They will charge at the target, and do what they do regardless of range. This allows for a few new ways to play with drones. I had fun testing them. I hope you do too. I also fixed a number of little annoying bugs. The merc crate bug. Merc cargo panel bug along with a handful of other. I didn't make a number of tweaks to a variety of 'game knobs' that control the progression on the campaign map. Big changes coming on that front. Stay tuned for a special video coming soon, and then perhaps a new devlog at the end of this month / year.