2020 Epic MegaJam Project: ZombLong | FPS Survival Game

Play ZombLong for free at: https://quicksilversashgames.itch.io/zomblong We decided to participated in the 2020 Epic MegaJam and we came up with ZombLong is a FPS Survival game where enemies respawn faster and stronger every time you kill them. Not only that but sick music by DJ S3RL is playing in the background :) The whole game was made in 7 days. Wishlist Bliss on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1451040/Bliss/ Join our Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/DuQRewJ Combat System Demo https://quicksilversashgames.itch.io/bliss
Indie Game Developers
Quicksilver Sash Games
2020 Epic MegaJam Project: ZombLong | FPS Survival Game