Unity Collision Cheat-Sheet – Discrete vs Continuous

Each collision mode offers a unique collision mechanic. Knowing which one to use is key for solid gameplay and performance. Discrete is the most performant option and should be used whenever possible. Calculations collisions each fixed step. Continuous uses a sweeping algorithm to guarantee collisions from a linear motion, but is quite a bit more expensive than discrete and only hits static colliders (no RB). Continuous dynamic is the same as continuous, but hits dynamic colliders (and is more expensive). Continuous speculative creates a bounding box around itself and its next projected frame position according to its current linear and angular motion. Anything caught within will collide. ❤️ Become a Tarobro on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tarodev ========= 🔔 SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/3eqG1Z6 🗨️ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/tarodev ✅ MORE TUTORIALS: https://www.youtube.com/tarodev 0:00 Discrete 0:40 Continuous 1:05 Continuous Dynamic 1:25 Continuous Speculative