I Had to Rewrite Almost All My Gameplay Code - Full Court Hereos Devlog# 3

It took almost a complete rewrite, but I have been able to get online networked multiplayer working, along with more UI work, I hired a composer and got a track for my main menu with more to come. I created a play designer that is built into the game. I added CPU v CPU mode. And finally, I talk about the push toward a public demo release and what is still needing to be done before that can happen. Wishlist Full Court Heroes on Steam @ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2268280/Full_Court_Heroes/ Zoe @ Poyple Project - the composer that is doing the music for Full Court Heroes - https://twitter.com/PoypleP_Zoe Snopek Games - Godot Rollback Netcode and Nakama integration - https://www.snopekgames.com/tutorials You can also follow me on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/tireswinggames
Indie Game Developers
Tireswing Games
I Had to Rewrite Almost All My Gameplay Code - Full Court Hereos Devlog# 3