7 Days of Working on my Story FPS Game - #Devlog 1

My FlexiSpot Standing Desk E8 - https://bit.ly/3Vb6RrG FlexiSpot Work Like New Brand Day Sale Up to 33% OFF 22nd May to 26th May Deals - https://bit.ly/40MccXD #FlexiSpotUK In todays video I will go over 7 days worth of progress on my story fps game. I will go over the initial design process and how I came up with the idea. What I plan to do better this time and how I will manage the project. I then cover all the features currently implemented such as player movement, player weapons like a pistol and a knife. Upgrades for weapons like a silencer. Then I move onto talking about the player ability system. I go over how I made a player dash and its according upgrades and go over future plans for different abilities. This video also covers other elements of the gam such as modelling, UI, game feel etc. ➤My Links: Discord: https://discord.gg/tYDXGja55Y Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabzxd/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/officialzyger Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZygerDesigns Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Zyger ➤Ignore: Last week I started working on a dream game of mine. I started this idea 2 years ago but unfortunately the production on the game stopped as I planned it poorly and simply wasn't too good at game dev. But here I am again restarting the project. The idea is that this will be a story FPS game about a boy who tries to find out what happened to his best friend who suddenly disappeared. As he goes on this journey he discovers that he has gained abilities; unfortunately as he uses them and tries to grasp them better he is also weakening himself. You the player will follow this story along with some awesome gameplay and fights, the path you take will be different based on the upgrades and abilities you wish to learn. In this video I cover 1 week of progress going over the different system I created, and how the plan came to be. #gamedev #zyger #gameengine #devlog
Indie Game Developers
7 Days of Working on my Story FPS Game - #Devlog 1